Have you ever wondered why people love going into nature so much? Why they love to see the vastness of the ocean or the majestic beauty of a forest or the stunning views from a mountain peak? It’s because in that moment of appreciation we are in our higher self, our spirit. We are touching and in communion with the God source.
To commune with the Divine we don’t need to master meditation and blanking our minds by sitting in a dark quiet room waiting for an epiphany or mystical experience. God is always present and all around us. God is in a memory that brings feelings of love, joy and happiness. When we feel this love we are at that moment in our higher self, our spirit. Our spirit is that part of us that is a part of God given an individuality that is you. We are also a physical, material being with a physical mind. Connecting our physical mind to our spirit is our soul. We are all three all the time. We must live in the material world. We are here for a reason and must live our lives here. We can’t escape the physical world and isolate in nature and live in our spirit all the time. Our soul needs to grow through the experiences we face in daily life. But, inspiration, guidance, and comfort can be sought in sprit by sitting in quiet meditation with the Divine.
Our higher self, our spirit, resides in the spirit world and is a part of the Divine. Because of this it has access all the answers, guidance, and teaching we need through our helpers, inspirers and teaching guides. But, don’t make the same mistake I made by focusing on a desire to see and hear my guides. Don’t worry or put to much emphasis on where the inspiration is coming from, just be grateful the inspiration is coming and give thanks to God. There really is no need to worry about who to thank, our master guide, a loved one, an inspiring or teaching guide, just thank God. Our guides and helpers are pleased by this and are not concerned with personal praise. What they are concerned about is our soul growth. They have dedicated your lifetime to guiding and helping you grow. Show them your gratitude by growing spiritually.