For a while now I’ve been down energetically. I see all the negativity around me. Theft, hatred, angry people, Ukraine war and the Israel-Gaza war. Innocent people whose lives are being overturned and killed. I’ve been finding it hard to remain positive in a world that is so wrought with conflict. How can I not feel and absorb the negativity that is so prevalent.
So this morning in my meditation I was talking with the Great Spirit, God, and asking for his guidance to help me when, suddenly, I felt a response. “Why not be that beacon of Love.” Then it all hit me. Have I forgotten that Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe. Love, God, has the capability to change everything, especially our perspective.
So I took a deep cleansing breath and breathed in God’s Love through my breath, up through feet. I filled my body and thoughts with Love. Then I started to see, in my minds eye, all the Loving people around me, Anne and Jesse, Frank, Glen and Diane, Eric, Melissa, Kyle, Olivia, and the list can go on for pages.
When overwhelmed and feeling stressed and low, become a beacon of Love. Close your eyes, take a deep cleansing breath, exhale everything and breathe in Love. Fill your body and mind and just sit quietly in the Love and see where your thoughts go.
Love This!